Our Mission

Ephesians 4:2 says "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." (NIV). We aim to empower mothers who have had birth trauma and prevent new mothers from experiencing what we went through, bearing with one another.

Our Values

At Snuggly Bear, we want to encompass Empathy, Compassion, Encouragement, and Spirituality.

Our Vision

Whether you become a part of the Snuggly Bear Family, or choose otherwise, we want to see all mothers reach their birthing goals, have a strong community, and navigate each birthing experience in a healthy way.

My Birth Journey

Hello, and welcome to my personal birthing experience.

In March 2023, I found out that I was pregnant with my little love, Isaak. And I had everything planned two years prior to conceiving him!

My Plan:

  • I was going to have a water birth either at home or at a birth center.
  • I would have my husband, my mother, my sister, and I was gonna train them all to be my doula.
  • I wanted to go natural, no epidural.
  • I wanted Hillsong United, Maverick City, and Elevation Worship playing in the background.
  • I wanted the placenta attached.
  • I wanted a Golden Hour.

And all the amazing things! Isaak was due November 23,2023, Thanksgiving Day! When did he want to come? About a week and a day later, causing me to hit the pre-eclampsia mark and alleged gestational diabetes.

All-in-all, my birth did NOT go to plan. I was induced by my midwife, then again at the hospital but the medicines used combated each other. After 36 hours, I opted for a C-Section.

So, why is this not trauma for me?

Well, I was prepared. Once I hit 39 weeks, I knew that C-Section might be a high possibility. I had a support system that helped me make decisions, as well as made sure that MY decisions were enforced. I gained a beautiful experience with my Midwife, and gained memories I will never forget. I met an amazing Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) named Karen, who made sure I knew how to breastfeed my child before I left a hospital. And my birthing team did NOT MISS A BEAT!

I want that same feeling for you. We plan for the best, strive for your goal, and if life takes us on a different journey, then we want to help you adapt without trauma.

Ephesians 4:2

Services We Offer

As a holistic birth worker, we aim to educate ourselves in order to help you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We care about your mind, body, and soul.


Birth Packages

We offer four packages, including Labor-Only Support Packages, just in case you decide to add a doula later in your journey. Whether you plan for a hospital birth or a birth center, we support you!

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Postpartum Support

Sometimes you need help after birth. Some of our packages offer postpartum visits! We also provide an individual service for postpartum.

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#3 Coming soon

Lactation Counseling

Lactation Counselors and Lactation Consultants have the same goal, but the main difference is how we got to the goal! Find out more about the differences below!

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